lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

description of the video

The first is of an caricature of form of penis and see other what of form of legs with vaginas or vaginas .
The poor penis want´s have relation with a of that vaginas but they not want´s because he not have condom.
Raisin of much obstacle until what a day encounter with a woman in bath and she the spot the form of condom and see all the vaginas want´s is he.

The second video is of a child what since his childhood played with wrist.Arrive his stge of mature and the begin like people of same sex.
Tube much relauion with different man.

The third video about of a child what arrive a the stage of the mature and how is usual her body begin change and feel attraction by the sex apposite .She is tube much relation with different man, but any of this is the correct.Until what a day arrive the man correct.

The fourth video is of a child what have relation with different woman. But  protect with condom

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