viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


We will enter initially announcing a brief definition of the robotics by means of route network.

We begin then:

The robotics is original of the word robot, though from the antiquity it is known as mechanical ingenuities by more or less human forms which intention has been it of providing amusement in the courts or calling the attention to the people, because it was said that the ingenuities they were lacking from the technological point of view, precisely for the place where they were coming.

The term robot was known by the writer checoslovaco karel kapek, Deceased in 1938, which acquired world reputation with his, work R.U.R In that I present the modern worker as a mechanical slave; it is there where exactly the word uses robot, seizure of the eslvo robota, which means work.


.Mostrar to the persons the importance of the functioning in our way of the industrial robotics.

.Explicar to the company the advantages disadvantages that the industrial robotics has for the human being.

.Analizar that efectospuede to cause this new technology in the human being.


.Fomentar more thoroughly the topic of industrial robotics.

.Detallar to the communities in general that benefits and prejudices it would cause the robotics in us.

.Buscar the way of since it is possible to be solving the problems of this subject matter as we find sanearlos.

Industrial robotics

What is the industrial robot?

He understands himself for Industrial Robot to a device of maneuver destined to be used in the industry and endowed of one o more arms, easily programmable to fulfill diverse operations with several degrees of freedom and destined to replace the physical activity of the man in the repetitive, monotonous, disagreeable or dangerous tasks.

THERE LAUGHS Robot Institute of America defines to the Robot as " A multifunctional reprogrammable manipulator, designed to move materials, parts, tools or devices specialized across variable movements programmed for the performance of a variety of labors "

These definitions undoubtedly do not include all the possibilities and future of present application of the Robots and in opinion of those who write, the Robot is for the production, what the computer is for the processing of information. That is to say, a new and revolutionary conception of the productive system which scopes newly begin to be perceived in the highly industrialized countries.


Types of configurations for industrial robots

When one speaks about the configuration of a robot, one speaks about the physical form that has given him to the arm of the robot.

The arm of the manipulator can present four classic configurations: the Cartesian one, the cylindrical one, the polar one and the angular one.

Cartesian configuration:

It possesses three linear movements, that is to say, it has three degrees of freedom, which correspond to the movements located in the axes X, And and Z.

The movements that this robot realizes between a point and another sound with base in linear interpolations. Interpolation, in this case, means the type of path that realizes the manipulator when it moves between a point and other one.

To the path realized on line straight he is known as linear interpolation and to the made path of agreement with the type of movements that have his joints there is called he an interpolation by joint.

Cylindrical configuration:

It can realize two linear movements and one rotacional, or, that presents three degrees of freedom.

The robot of cylindrical configuration is designed to execute the movements known as linear interpolation and interpolation for joint.

The interpolation by joint is carried out by means of the first joint, since this one can realize a movement rotacional.

Polar configuration:

It has several joints. Each of them can realize a different movement: rotacional, angular and linear.

This robot uses the interpolation for joint to move in his first two joints and the linear interpolation for the extension and retraction.

Angular configuration (or of articulated arm):

He presents a joint with movement rotacional and two angular ones. Though the articulated arm can realize the movement called linear interpolation (for which needs to move simultaneously two or three of his joints), the natural movement is that of interpolation for joint, so much rotacional as angular.

Besides four classic mentioned configurations, there exist other so called not classic configurations.

The most common example of a not classic configuration it represents the robot type SCARA, whose initials mean: Selective apliance arm robot for assembly. This arm can realize horizontal movements of major scope due to his two joints rotacionales. The robot of configuration SCARA also can do a linear movement (by means of his third joint).

Volume of work

To approach more the knowledge of the industrial robots, it is necessary to touch the topic that refers to the volume of work and the precision of movement.

Between the characteristics that they identify to a robot they find his volume of work and certain parameters as the control of resolution, the accuracy and the repeatability.

The volume of work of a robot refers only to the space inside which one can displace the end of his wrist. To determine the volume of work the final effect is not born in mind. The reason of it is that to the wrist of the robot they can adapt him gripers of different sizes.

To illustrate what is known as volume of regular work and volume of irregular work, we will take as models several robots.

The Cartesian robot and the cylindrical robot present regular volumes of work. The Cartesian robot generates a cubic figure.

The robot of cylindrical configuration presents a volume of work similar to a cylinder (normally this robot does not have a rotation of 360 °).


With the industrial robotics we will manage to help the modern man to realize tasks in minor time, and this way to use this multifunctional manipul ó mechanical arm to move materials, pieces, tools etc.

Allowing to define rapidly our daily activities.ator Also we will worry to take care that this one does not damage the today man.

Really that this invention has reduced the number of working hours of the individuals who before were delaying in doing the above mentioned task to him.



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